Trade Secrets Directive: Message from #Luxleaks whistleblower Antoine Deltour to MEPs

  • Published: 13 April 2016
  • Last Updated: 13 April 2016

In a message published by MEP Julia Reda Antoine Deltour, who currently is on trial for blowing the whistle on tax agreements between Luxembourg authorities and multinational companies, bringing to light a large-scale tax avoidance planning, calls for the rejection of the trade secrets directive (.pdf).

Read more: Trade Secrets Directive: Message from #Luxleaks whistleblower Antoine Deltour to MEPs

Comprehensive Study on Dark Net Finds Majority of Hidden Services Classified as Illicit [Update]

  • Published: 09 April 2016
  • Last Updated: 29 July 2016

In a new and comprehensive study on the contents of TOR hidden services (.pdf) (so-called Dark Net), intelligence gathering company Intelliagg and »darknet indexing company« Darksum confirm earlier research findings by Daniel Moore and Thomas Rid.

Read more: Comprehensive Study on Dark Net Finds Majority of Hidden Services Classified as Illicit [Update]